
So thanks For coming this far to check me out.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I have the most amazing roommate on this earth(or at least in Phoenixville PA)

Victoria Lee Watts.

So cal breed.

Ferocious, Stubborn(like me), yet probably one of the most amazing human beings I've ever met.

As her brother it is my duty to protect her (not really, but i have nothing else to do)

So men, She is awesome, and she deserves the best. You have been warned.

Vicky Moved in with me a little over 5 months ago from Southern california. It was a big step, a big choice, and a big move. But all well worth it.

We have our fights, but they our out of love.
There are many days I truly wish we had the same mother.
Alas, pretending will have to do for now.

I'm extremely lucky, I get to come home and listen to this Voice every single day

It serenades me, and it inspires me to write more and more music.

Are journey has been amazing so far. No; unreal*
When I am old, Im gonna to look back at the 10 things that changed and shifted my life.

Vicky is one of them.

The Mind Of Steven Diaz

February 3, 2010

My Goodness.
This man. This burly gentle man. There is just so much to say about this human being. Ive known him for a year, and yet it feels like its been so much longer than that. When you first meet the man, there is just so much mystery and soundlessness about him. When you first shake the his hand, you'd be lucky if you got a real laugh out of him(he doesn't fake). But be warned once you have seen this smile followed by this amiable yet organic laugh, it becomes infectious. I often run to him in my down time. And If I need to hear something mesmeric and alluring, he never Disappoints. I am often jelouse of steve. Seriously you would be too if you heard the songs he created, let alone the lyrics. Yet he is extremely humble. You try to compliment him, and he flakes it off with such gentleness. And thats exactly why you love him. He is a silent Rock star.
Please listen to his music. It is an experience you will never forget.

P.S. Stay tuned for his up coming project "Music For the Trees"

Steven Diaz -

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Do you Worry?

So doing this video was a lot harder than I thought. I thought it was going to be easy getting feedback from people. Not the case. People really do worry. And what I mean by that is that worrying connects with so many things in peoples lives. It takes most of us on a much more personal level. I bet For about 75% of the feedback that I received, was only scratching the surface of what they really worried about. I then I found myself worrying. For three days at school I continued to pass by this blind kid. He just sat there. Blank. I felt there was so much he needed to say. I wanted to ask him what he worried about, but i guess I was just scared. I was worried that he would be offended, I thought he would think that i was trying make fun of him or cheat him into doing something. I mean in a world where everything is black, and you don't know what people are doing. I would worry to. I don't know, maybe I just need to suck it up and do it. More to come on this.

Any way, this video was done with my new Canon 500d T1i. I did it for my Church that I work for. The sermon was entitled; "What do you worry about?"
So while watching this, think to your self; what do I worry About? Care to share?